6 Tanggapan

  1. dear,
    i’m a student in faculty of medicine
    i have been studying for 2 years, and now i have in 5th smester.
    i want to seacrh for scholarship to continou my study in faculty of medicine, syiah kuala university indonesia.

  2. dear,

    i’m a student in faculty of medicine
    this is my first year in faculty of medicine,
    i’m looking for scholarship to continue my study in faculty of medicine, wijaya kusuma university surabaya, indonesia

    thanks for your attention

  3. tukar link donk 🙂

  4. hi… i’m a student of medical record administration
    i have been studying 2 years, and now i have in 4th semester
    i want to search for scholarship to continou my study in malaysia or japan.. Thanks before…!

  5. hi…I’m a student of Bethesda nursing academy.
    I’ve been studying for 2 years, now I’ve in 4th semesters,
    I want to search for scholarship to continue my study in Jogjakarta-UGM- hope it can be comes true!! Amen!! thanks a lot….GBU!!

  6. bagus….. kerenn

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